Auf einer Straße steht ein Warndreieck mit der Aufschrift Unfall. Im Hintergrund sieht man diverse Polizei- und Rettungsfahrzeuge.
Traffic commissariats
In addition to the traffic service, the traffic directorate has three traffic commissioner's offices.

You can reach all departments via the single telephone number 02131 300-0.

How to find the right traffic commissioner's office:

Traffic Commissariat 1 based in Neuss and branch offices in Grevenbroich and Kaarst

Head: First Chief Superintendent Petra Bartneck

District-wide processing of traffic accidents (excluding freeways)


Traffic Commissariat 2 based in Meerbusch and branch offices in Neuss, Grevenbroich and Kaarst

Head: Chief Superintendent Björn Röbers

District-wide processing of traffic offenses and traffic violations as well as external investigation requests


Traffic Commissariat 3 based in Grevenbroich

Head: Chief Superintendent Lukas Kempken

As a traffic accident investigation team, Traffic Commissariat 3 supports the traffic commissariats throughout the state in securing and evaluating objective evidence.


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110