Frontpage Police NRW

In an emergency
Emergency call 110, emergency fax for people with speech and hearing impairments and emergency call app
With the app, you can reach the police, fire department and rescue service quickly and easily in an emergency. Everywhere in Germany.
Police Station Finder
If an interpreter is required, please contact the relevant police station directly.
Crime prevention
Deceptively genuine! How to protect yourself from online fake stores - not just on Black Friday.
Pickpockets find their victims wherever there are lots of people and crowds. The police give valuable tips on how you can protect yourself against the tricks of pickpockets. Open your eyes and close your bag!
Traffic accident prevention
In their daily efforts to combat death and serious injuries on the roads, the police in North Rhine-Westphalia are realigning their strategy for greater safety on the roads, cycle paths and freeways at the start of 2024.
"NRW shows respect!"
With a vintage truck, the police in NRW invite you to a coffee and conversation in a relaxed atmosphere.
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110