How right-wing extremists endanger democracy: Office for the Protection of the Constitution publishes situation report on right-wing extremism

There is a large chalk arrow on a blackboard. The arrow contains the terms "racism", "sexism", "Nazism", "right-wing extremism", "xenophobia", "neo-Nazis", "violence", "terrorism", "REPS", "hate speech", "anti-Semitism", "intolerance" and "Islamophobia" in white lettering in different font sizes.  In the middle of the arrow is the term "right-wing radicalism" in larger, yellow lettering. At the bottom right is a hand holding a piece of chalk.
How right-wing extremists endanger democracy: Office for the Protection of the Constitution publishes situation report on right-wing extremism
Minister Reul: Right-wing extremism remains the greatest threat to our democracy
Ministry of the Interior of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia
Ministry of the Interior NRW

On Wednesday, March 19, 2025, Interior Minister Herbert Reul presented the situation report on right-wing extremism. On 100 pages, the North Rhine-Westphalia Office for the Protection of the Constitution has comprehensively presented current developments and new threats in the area of right-wing extremism. Among other things, it shows that the right-wing extremist scene has become younger and more modern. In order to spread its ideology, right-wing extremism relies on the strategy of breaking down boundaries and mobilizes many people, particularly via social media. Right-wing extremist radicalization is also increasingly taking place online. Offenses involving politically motivated crime on the right have risen - by around 60 percent.

Minister Herbert Reul: "Right-wing extremism remains the greatest threat to our democracy. We can see that it has modernized - less bald heads and combat boots, more short videos, gaming and active clubs. But we must not be fooled by this. It's just old ideology in a new guise. Right-wing extremists keep themselves alive through hatred and agitation. We must not give them any space. The Office for the Protection of the Constitution is keeping a close eye on these developments. But the best protection of the constitution consists of responsible citizens who stand up for their democracy and put right-wing agitation in its place."

Crimes of politically motivated crime in the area of right-wing extremism rose sharply last year. In 2024, there were 5,641 crimes. In 2023, the police recorded a total of 3,549 crimes in North Rhine-Westphalia. In 78 percent of cases, these were propaganda offenses (3,511) and incitement to hatred (839). The number of violent crimes committed by right-wing suspects also rose by 33% year-on-year to 154 (2023: 116). The majority of cases (94%) involved bodily harm (145). As in the previous year, the clearance rate for violent crimes was 72%. Hate crime increased by 43 percent from 1,432 to 2,049 offenses. The proportion of suspects in the 14 to 17 age group also increased. 287 young people in 2024 compared to 100 a year earlier.

After the situation report on Islamism, which was published in May 2024, the situation report on right-wing extremism is the second to explicitly highlight an area of extremism. The coalition agreement also includes further situation reports on the phenomena of left-wing extremism and foreign-related extremism.

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