Cybergrooming - Protect your Children

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Cybergrooming - Protect your Children
Whether through games, WhatsApp chats with friends or research for a homework assignment: with the advance of digitalization, children are also increasingly online. They often get in touch with the internet early in primary school. This is not always a good thing.
KPB Olpe/Lena Hoof

Dangers such as cybergrooming lurk on the internet and carry the risk of sexual abuse. In 2023, the police in the Olpe district registered 164 sexual offenses and 59 cases of distribution and possession of child pornography. The number of unreported cases is probably higher.

What Cybergrooming actually is

Criminals try to prepare children so they can abuse them later. This happens via chat rooms, but also often in games that have a chat function. Criminals pretend to be the same age and try to establish contact with their victim through shared interests and hobbies. Some even build up trust through gifts or rewards in online games. The adults then try to move the conversation to more private platforms via a child's phone number before they start demanding intimate photos or videos from their victim. Children often feel fear or pressure in this situation, but do not dare to talk about it. In some cases, the criminals also try to arrange personal meetings by contacting the child. If the children agree to this, they run the risk of being abused. In Germany, grooming and cybergrooming fall under the offense of sexual abuse of children within the meaning of Section 176 of the German Criminal Code (StGB) and are punishable by law. Contact can be prosecuted if it is made with the intention of causing the child to perform sexual acts. It is not necessary for sexual acts to occur or for the child to have responded to a message - the intention alone is sufficient to constitute a criminal offense. Perpetrators of grooming can face a prison sentence of up to five years.

How can parents help?
  • Don't let your children surf the net unattendet.
  • Pay attention to settings in Alexa, smartphone, tablet and other electronic devices.
  • Make sure profile pictures are neutral and it is not possible to conclude which interests or hobbies your children have.
  • Set clear rules for internet use and randomly check your child's online communication for suspicious incidents
  • Know which media your children use and who they are in contact with online and familiarize yourself with these platforms
  • Play games online together with your children. 
  • If you suspect that your child may be affected, contact the police or counseling centers immediately.
The most common characteristics of Cybergrooming are:
  • An adult compliments the child.
  • The child receives much more understanding for their worries and problems than from other caregivers.
  • Criminals try to get to know the child's familiar interests and experiences and connect with them.
  • The adults cleverly ask for personal details. 
  • The child tries to keep the contact secret from the parents.
  • In order to recognize such signs of grooming, educational professionals should also be trained accordingly and always keep their specialist knowledge up to date.
  • Parents can do a lot to protect their children by being vigilant and talking openly with their children about dangers on the internet.
Need help?

Our crime prevention in the district of Olpe offers help and personal counseling sessions 

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