Since the 2022 reporting year, the "Domestic violence" situation report has been based on the following definition: "Domestic violence includes all forms of physical, sexual or psychological violence and covers both family and partner violence. Domestic violence occurs when the violence takes place between people who live together in a family or partner relationship. It also exists if it occurs independently of a shared household within the family or in current or former partnerships."
Both partner violence and intra-family violence are subsumed under the above definition. The offenses of intimate partner violence and domestic violence are largely congruent. In addition to intimate partner violence, intra-family violence also includes other criminal offenses that concern, among other things, the protection of minors.
In the 2023 reporting year, 41,450 cases of intimate partner violence were recorded. This is an increase of 1.8% compared to the previous year (2022: 40,733 cases). In the area of domestic violence, a total of 20,530 cases were recorded in the reporting year 2023. Compared to the previous year, the number of cases rose by 4.7% (2022: 19,616 cases).