The NRW police are looking for IT talent!

IT talents
The NRW police are looking for IT talent!
Are you looking for an exciting apprenticeship that will lead you to a secure future? Then you've come to the right place!

The police don't work by themselves - we need you to shape a modern police force. Digitalization, change management and programming are right up your street? Are you also interested in a secure job with a future in an exciting environment? Then we have the ideal team for you!


Bachelor of Science in Administrative Informatics - E-Government
(4-year dual study program)

With the degree program at Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences and the integrated practical sections, you will be ideally equipped for exciting tasks in all areas of the state administration. You will help shape the digital future of the NRW police and drive the future of information technology in the state. As an IT mastermind, you will support the development and operation of IT systems and help to ensure the state's ability to act. You will create solutions to problems at the interface between IT and administration or manage the awarding of contracts to specialized IT service providers.

The dual degree program in Administrative Informatics - E-Government (block model) is part of the Faculty of Communication and Environment at Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences and takes place on the Kamp-Lintfort campus. The course comprises eight semesters, i.e. four years, including the practical sections. The focus is on computer science, IT security, data protection and data security, e-government, IT administration, software customization and development.

On successful completion of the course, you will be awarded a Bachelor of Science degree, qualifying you for a career in technology. You will start your career as a senior inspector in the technical administrative IT service (A 10).

This training is offered by the State Office for Police Technical Services of the NRW Police (LZPD NRW) as a higher state authority in Duisburg.

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Bachelor of Arts Government Inspector Candidate in Administrative Informatics
(3 years dual study program)

We need specialists who know the administration with all its diverse areas of responsibility, processes, legal foundations and specialist applications and at the same time have the skills to be able to map this knowledge digitally and shape Administration 4.0. Your tasks after graduation will include, for example, the areas of open government and eGovernment as well as HR management and software development.

During the three-year dual study program, you will learn the basics of programming and find out how the administration of tomorrow will work. The course allows you to combine your administrative knowledge with your IT skills in practice.


You can start your career in one of the three higher state authorities that offer the course:

  • Landeskriminalamt der Polizei NRW (LKA NRW) in Düsseldorf,
  • Landesamt für Polizeitechnische Dienste der Polizei NRW (LZPD NRW) in Duisburg,
  • Landesamt für Ausbildung, Fortbildung und Personalangelegenheiten der Polizei NRW (LAFP NRW) in Selm.

You will graduate with a Bachelor of Arts degree, which is recognized throughout Europe. You can study either at the University of Applied Sciences for Police and Public Administration NRW (HSPV NRW) in Cologne (for the LKA NRW and the LZPD NRW) or in Münster (for the LAFP NRW).

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