Schwarzes Fahrzeug im Hintergrund. Davor hält jemand eine silberne Dose und einen Schlüssel mit keyless-go.
Car thieves use "keyless-go" for their own purposes
The police give tips on how to protect your car

Vehicles equipped with the so-called "keyless-go" system are opened and started contactlessly via radio waves. The perpetrators pick up the radio signal, gain illegal access to the car and can start it without having to remove the key.

Make sure that only you use your keyless system to open the vehicle. The new technology may not only be convenient for you, but also for would-be car thieves.

If you have a car with a keyless convenience system: Never leave the key near the front door or apartment door or try to shield the radio signal with suitable measures (for example, aluminum covers). Carry out the self-test: Only if the car won't even open when you hold the "shielded" key right next to the vehicle door will thieves have no chance with this technology.


When getting out of the car, watch out for people in your immediate vicinity who may be carrying electronic devices concealed under their clothing or in pockets. They could be professional car thieves who use radio wave extension to intercept the signal from your key and thus gain access to your car.

Check with the manufacturer of your vehicle whether the convenience access can be temporarily deactivated for your car. Some manufacturers offer the function of switching off the keyless function completely by pressing the lock button on the key twice. Ask your specialist garage what options are available specifically for your car.

Tips from the police:

  • If possible, do not park high-value cars on the roadside or in unsecured carports
  • Use a lockable garage so that the vehicle is not visible at all
  • Park it at least on well-lit and busy streets.

Call 110 directly if you see anything suspicious in your neighborhood. This could be a car with strange license plates that does not seem to belong there and whose occupants are conspicuously interested in parked vehicles. The police can then check whether everything is correct.


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110