Girls' and Boys' Day

Links ist der Landrat Hans-Jürgen Petrauschke zu sehen. Rechts daneben zwei Polizistinnen. Außerdem weitere Jugendliche und ein Junge schaut durch ein Radarmessgerät.
Girls' and Boys' Day
Interested girls and boys were given an insight into the police profession and the Rhein-Kreis Neuss district police authority

As part of the nationwide future project "Girls' and Boys' Day", a total of ten girls and boys visited the district police authority in Neuss on Thursday, 28.03.2019. The police recruiter in the Rhine district of Neuss, former police superintendent Claudia Behrendt, accompanied the pupils from four different schools on this day. Among other things, the interested guests learned about the structure of the district police authority, service procedures and the custody of the Neuss police station.

Afterwards, the participants were able to experience the work of the traffic service first-hand at the Jülicher Landstraße checkpoint. The officers explained to the interested pupils what the traffic service looks out for in drivers, in addition to excessive speed. The girls and boys were then allowed to try out the measuring device. The head of the authorities and district administrator, Hans-Jürgen Petrauschke, visited the Girls' and Boys' Day at the checkpoint. He was delighted with the interest shown in his authority and police work.

After the traffic check, the recruiter was available to answer questions from the girls and boys about recruitment requirements, selection procedures and everyday working life. "The day was a great insight into my dream job. It gave us the opportunity to see how the police work and what different areas there are," said Nelly and Yasin. Claudia Behrendt, the recruitment advisor responsible for the police in the Rhine district of Neuss, emphasized: "This project is a good opportunity to support interested pupils in their career orientation, especially when it comes to recruiting young talent. But of course we also always enjoy explaining our work and welcoming young people to our office."


Are you also interested in the police profession? Then get in touch directly with our recruiter, Chief Superintendent of Police Claudia Behrendt. Click here for contact details.



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