Police advise on burglary protection - tips and dates

Zwei Polizisten sitzen an einem Tisch mit einem Telefonhörer am Ohr. Im Hintergrund ist eine Beratungsfläche mit verschiedenen Fenstern zu sehen.
Police advise on burglary protection - tips and dates
Put a stop to burglars or: Why you should take care of burglary protection, especially in the dark season

A break-in at home is a shocking event for many residents. In addition to the financial loss and the damage caused, many people are left with a feeling of fear and insecurity.

What many house and apartment owners don't know: Most conventional windows and doors do not offer sufficient protection against burglary.

According to crime statistics, around 940 such burglaries occurred in the Rhine district of Neuss last year. Almost half of the crimes were attempted, partly due to the availability of security technology.

Secure your home!


We advise

  • house and flat owners
  • builders
  • tenants
  • architects
  • property managers
  • municipalities
  • and all other interested parties


We advise

  • in our advice center
  • on site
  • on the phone
  • at building and property fairs
  • and and real estate fairs


We advise

  • on the installation of tested and certified burglar-resistant doors in accordance with DIN EN 1627
  • on retrofitting doors in accordance with DIN 18104-1 and DIN 18104-2
  • on the installation of burglar-resistant tested and certified windows and French doors in accordance with DIN EN 1627
  • on retrofitting windows and French doors in accordance with DIN 18104-1 and DIN 18104-2
  • for burglar-resistant glazing
  • for burglar-resistant lattice doors
  • for burglar-resistant window grilles
  • for burglar-resistant roller shutters and folding shutters
  • for securing basement windows and basement light wells
  • for the use of secure storage units
  • for fencing the property
  • for hold-up and burglar alarm systems
  • for the use of burglar alarm systems
  • for the use of burglar alarm systems
  • for the use of burglar alarm systems
  • for the use of burglar alarm systems
  • for the use of burglar alarm systems
  • for the use of burglar and burglar alarm systems
  • to video surveillance systems
  • to smart home systems
  • to state subsidies for burglary protection
  • we provide tips on security-conscious behavior and much more

We advise

  • of course free of charge and manufacturer-neutral
  • personally and individually
  • by appointment Monday to Friday from 9:30 am and Monday to Thursday from 1:30 pm
  • as individual or group consultations
  • consultation duration approx. 90 - 120 minutes

You can reach our expert advisors on the telephone numbers 02131 300-25518 (Mr. Ippers) or 02131 300-25522 (Mr. Gömer). If the experts are not available in person, you are welcome to leave a callback request on the answering machine or send us an email to poststelle.rhein-kreis-neuss [at] polizei.nrw.de (poststelle[dot]rhein-kreis-neuss[at]polizei[dot]nrw[dot]de).

Our burglary protection consultant will advise you online on the following dates:

  • Wednesday 02.04.2025 at 18:00
  • Wednesday 02.07.2025 at 18:00
  • Wednesday 01.10.2025 at 18:00
  • Wednesday 19.11.2025 at 18:00

Prior registration by e-mail at KI1KriminalpraeventionOpferschutz.neuss [at] polizei.nrw.de (KI1KriminalpraeventionOpferschutz[dot]neuss[at]polizei[dot]nrw[dot]de) is mandatory. You will then receive your access data. The advice is of course free of charge and manufacturer-neutral.

Use the advice offered by your police and put a stop to burglars.

Protect yourself and, together with the police in the Rhine district of Neuss, make life difficult for burglars.

Burglary prevention starts at your own front door!

In addition to installing burglar-resistant technology, for example on doors and windows, you can also protect yourself from becoming a victim of burglars through careful behavior.


"Burglars come at night..." - far from it

The crimes usually happen during the day when no one is at home, during school, work and shopping hours, in the early evening or at weekends. In the darker months of the year, burglars often take advantage of the early twilight. If a house is unlit during these months, there is much to suggest that the residents are not there.


Neighbourly help creates security

The police cannot be everywhere to prevent crime. But there are almost always neighbors who help each other. In an attentive neighborhood, burglars, thieves and fraudsters hardly stand a chance. Make an agreement with the residents in your street to consciously watch out for dangerous and suspicious situations. Watch out for strangers in the house or on the neighboring property and speak to them. Look after the home of neighbors who are absent for longer periods of time, e.g. by emptying the letterbox. The aim is to give the impression that the house is occupied. In the event of danger (calls for help, alarm system triggered) and in urgent cases of suspicion, call the police immediately on 110.


Don't be a hero - call 110!

Be careful! Burglars do not want to be discovered and will avoid any confrontation if possible. If you notice a burglar: Don't stand in their way! Instead, contact the police immediately and give as good a description as possible of the perpetrator and any getaway vehicle they may be using.


Light deters burglars!

At first glance, unlit homes in the dark give the impression that no one is at home and the burglars can go about their "work" undisturbed. Therefore, use timers in conjunction with energy-saving lamps to give the impression that you are at home.


Do not become an "entry helper"

Make it difficult for uninvited guests to enter your property by fencing them in. Garbage cans, garden furniture, etc. are suitable as climbing aids. They should be locked away or secured with a chain, for example.


Safe storage secures valuables

Do not leave your valuables lying around openly at home. Particularly important documents, valuable collections, gold or jewelry that is rarely used are best kept safe in a safe deposit box at your bank. Savings books, jewelry, cash and check forms that you want to keep at home should not be kept in a box, but in a safe deposit box. The safe should be hidden and firmly anchored. Also take pictures of particularly individual valuables and keep proof of purchase etc. in case the items are stolen.


The police use civilian and uniformed patrols to combat property crime and everyone can improve security within their own four walls.

Be alert and call the police on 110 immediately if you notice anything suspicious.

- Secure your home

- Be alert

- Alert the police on 110


You can also find comprehensive tips on burglary protection here.


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110