Mehrere Personen steigen in einen Bus. Eine Person greift von hinten in die Handtasche einer Frau.
Watch out for pickpockets!
Take care of your bags and the valuables in them so that thieves don't stand a chance.

Pickpockets can strike wherever there are crowds and people are easily distracted. This can also happen quickly in pedestrian zones, stores, public transport or parking lots.
The victims are then not only deprived of their cash, they also have to go to a lot of trouble. Bank cards have to be blocked, papers, ID documents and driving licenses have to be reapplied for.

In 2022, the police in the Rhine district of Neuss registered 579 pickpocketing cases.


Only in a few cases do the victims notice the theft immediately. The crime often occurred hours, if not days, ago, which makes it much more difficult to solve and makes it almost impossible for the police to successfully track down the perpetrators.

The thieves' tricks:

The perpetrators use various scams to get hold of their victims' money. They usually distract the victims or bump into them as if by chance. They ask them for change and then, without them noticing, they snatch the banknotes from their wallets under the pretext of wanting to help them find small change. Thefts by so-called "anti-dancers", who appear to be in a good mood and try to get close to their victims by dancing around them and seeking physical contact, occur particularly in the evening. You should also be skeptical if you are asked for directions and the other person starts to spread out a map of the city. The distraction and the obscured view provided by the map make it easier for the thieves to reach into their shoulder or jacket pockets. The police have also received reports of unsuspecting supermarket customers being asked by an offender for a particular product while the accomplice simultaneously steals the bag from the shopping cart. The so-called "donation collectors" are well known. These are often young women who pretend to be collecting for a good cause. The signature lists they carry with them are usually used to conceal the pickpocketing.

How you can protect yourself:

  • Knowing the tricks pickpockets use is worth a lot. But there are a few more tips to take to heart.
  • Under no circumstances should you keep the PIN for your bank card in your pocket or on your mobile phone
  • Block stolen bank cards immediately by calling the nationwide emergency number 116 116.
  • Only take as much cash with you as you actually need.
  • Always carry money, payment cards and papers in various closed inside pockets of your clothing as close to your body as possible.
  • Always carry your handbag or shoulder bag with the closed side facing your body.
  • Always keep the bag you are carrying closed.
  • Never leave your handbag or jacket unattended.
  • Pay more attention to your valuables in a crowd.

Report any theft or suspicious observations to the police immediately! Do not hesitate to dial 110 (emergency number).

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110